ဒီေန့ကြ်န္ေတာ္ရဲ့ အသက္ ၁၅ ႏွစ္ျပည့္ေမြးေန့ပါ သူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားအားလံုးလဲစိတ္ရႊင္လန္းခ်မ္းေျမ႕ၾကပါေစလို့
ဆုေတာင္းေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။ဒီေဆာ့လ္ဝဲက All-in-one graphic software
လို့ေတာင္ေျပာလို့ရပါတယ္။ဘာျဖစ္လို့လည္းဆိုေတာ့ ခုေဆာ့လ္ဝဲနဲ့ flowcharts,
organizational charts, textile diagrams, byplay
presentations, business plans, head maps, trend designs, UML diagrams,
workflows, programme structures, web design diagrams, electrical field diagrams, directive
maps, database diagrams တို့ကို professional အေနျဖင့္လုပ္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
· EDraw is a vector-based diagramming software, which creates flowcharts, organizational interpret and meshwork speedily.
· Funding canonic flowcharts, organizational charts, line charts, hr diagrams, transform flows, software diagrams, UML diagrams, maps and system diagrams.
· Compelling and easy-to-use art tools and more pre-drawn accumulation objects, art does not status to move anew. Right dawdle the ready-made shapes from the toolbar and terminate them on your tender. Drain couldn't be easier!
· What You See Is What You Get. Zooming, scrolling, multi activity and multi-level undo/redo founded. No artistic science is required. Automatically aligns and arranges everything to lie extraordinary.
· Lots of modify templates. Request solon than 2000 shapes in joint use, plot drain does not demand to move anew.
· Room keep. Act the example entrepot to accumulate, succeed varied kinds of entirety of excellence.
· Separate colors, fonts, shapes, styles, pictures, book and symbolization for each goal of the diagram are forthcoming.
· Joint pictorial split reenforcement and printing what your see is what you get.
· Easily change whole substance with a panoramic arrange of EDraw diagrams. Accomplish those diagrams flatbottomed smarter and solon usable by linking them to inexplicit collection, which provides a statesman sheer illustration of the system or transform.
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အခုစာဖတ္သူၾကည့္ေနတဲ့ ပုိ့(စ္) ေလးမွာ ဘယ္လုိထင္ျမင္ခ်က္ရွိလဲ? စာဖတ္သူရဲ့ထင္ျမင္ခ်က္ကုိ ဤေနရာေလးမွာ ေရးခ်ပါ။